

Trinity offers many ministries within the church and community.


Sunday School - Sunday school is offered for children ages nursery - 6th grade beginning at 10:30 until 11:30 AM. Children's Choir practice is held at the beginning of the Sunday school class. It's not too late to register. Children are welcome to join at any time during the year. Please contact the church office for more information.


Catechetical (Confirmation) Class - Confirmation is a two year program for 7th and 8th graders. Students will study passages from scripture and learn how they apply to daily living. The class will participate in service activities such as the Crop Walk, Potato Project and Feed the Need. The highlight is an end of the year weekend retreat to Bluff Island, N.Y. Students will partake in team building and spiritual leadership activities. A favorite is the "Leap of Faith", a 17 foot jump into the fridgid waters of the St. Lawrence River.


Social Ministry meets on a regular basis (meeting dates to be announced). Together, they co-ordinate and plan many of the church activites of Trinity. Some activities include special celebrations such as the Congregational Birthday Party, Breakfast with Santa and Thanksgiving meals. Social Ministry also co-ordinated numerous receptions through out the year, new member, confirmation and wedding vow renewal just to name a few.


The James Ministry (formerly known as the Men's Ministry) meets at 8 AM on the 3rd Saturday of every month. All men are welcome to join in breakfast and Christian fellowship. The James Ministry is respectfully named after its founder, Lance E. James.


Trinity's Youth and Family Ministry -  Youth and Family’s objective is to encourage a true “church family” through activities of fellowship and service that bring all ages of members together.



The Brandywine Food Pantry -  The pantry is a cooperation between several area churches and the Brandywine Area School District. Partnering churches include;  St. Paul's Lutheran, Congregational Church,  and Longswamp UCC, Mertztown, St. Peter's UCC, Grace Lutheran and Trinity, Topton, Hope Lutheran and Christ DeLong, Bowers, Christ Mertz Lutheran, New Jerusalem UCC, Hope Community Church, and New Jerusalem Lutheran, Fleetwood. The pantry is located at St. Peter's UCC Church, Franklin St. Topton.


Our pantry serves the community of our congregations and those who currently have students in the Brandywine School District. For more information or to request an appointment please email


Loaves N Fishes - Updated 1/162018 -

The Loaves and Fishes ministry began July of 2011. The Synod asked the local churches to come together and engage in some type of service to the community. We decided to host a community meal and feed those in need of a good meal, fellowship or both. Since that time many of the original volunteers have been unable to continue to volunteer for various reasons. A small core of workers has continued to serve the meals.


Due to various circumstances, the core in charge is no longer able to continue and we are discontinuing the meals. We hope all who have been served by this ministry have received blessings through it. Many positive benefits have come from this including friendships which would never have happened had people not worked together or attended the meals.


We want to thank all involved who have served in any way with cooking, baking, organizing the meals, serving and cleaning up.



The Loaves and Fishes Committee






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